Sonya Clark
2024 Stepping Stone Grantee
Sonya Clark is a Professor of Art at Amherst College in Massachusetts. She holds an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art, BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, BA from Amherst College, and 4 honorary doctorates. Her work has been exhibited in over 500 museums and galleries worldwide. In 2021 the National Museum of Women in the Arts presented her first major museum survey, Tatter, Bristle, and Mend. In 2023-2024, a second career survey, We Are Each Other, focused on her collaborative and community engaged projects and traveled to Cranbrook Art Museum, The High in Atlanta, and the Museum of Arts and Design in NYC. She is the recipient of several awards including the Rappaport Prize, United States Artist Fellowship, a Pollock-Krasner Grant, Art Prize, and a Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship.